Monday, June 9, 2008

Baby Beaver

Amanda and I went to University lake in hopes of seeing a beaver. Not only did we see a beaver, we saw two, one of which was a baby!

We saw the adult and followed him as he swam around the lake. This one was not aggressive at all, and it seemed smaller than the one that had warned me off before so I am pretty sure that this was a different beaver - maybe Momma beaver? Anyway, she climbed out of the water and munched on a tree for awhile (video). As we were just getting ready to leave a baby swam up! The baby knew to keep its distance from us so I was not able to get a good picture. But, both of the pictures were taken from the same distance and as a size comparison the first picture is the adult beaver and the second is the baby (the streak behind the twigs).
I find it almost unbelievable that I have access to things like this while I am here. I am one lucky girl.

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