Tuesday, May 27, 2008

People Mover

I got on the bus this morning to get downtown to city hall (where I work). Once I got on, it went for a couple stops and then it hung out at one stop, far from my destination, for a minute and the bus driver finally turns to me and says "Ma'am you need to get off the bus". Shocked, but compliant, I got off the bus. I have this thing about buses...they kind of terrify me and this did nothing to improve my image of buses - I thought that I was lost and I would be late for my first day of work. I asked one of the ladies at the bus stop if there would be another bus, she told me that there would be and when I asked why I had to get off the bus she said "its the end of the route" like that explained everything. About 3-4 minutes went by and the bus, which had been sitting there the whole time with the driver in the front seat, opens its doors again. I, and everyone at the bus stop, proceeded to get back on the EXACT SAME BUS and continue on our way. It was definitely one of those WTF moments...I wanted to ask the bus driver if he was for real...but of course I didnt because I was afraid he would tell me to get back off the bus.